Monday, February 14, 2011

Update on School Fees

Today I wired $1,200 to the Zim orphanages for school fees.  It is not enough.  In fact, they need $3,000 more.  But it is what we have and so that is what they get.  For now.

To bring you up to speed quickly, the school fees are past due.  There are close to 60 children in school (4 different schools at different ages and locations).  If the fees are not paid very soon, the children will be expelled.  If they are expelled, then the orphanages can be penalized to the point of being shut down.  We are trying to get their fees caught up, and to get into a position through donor support where we can get ahead on their school fees so that this is never a fear or threat on their precious educations and livlihood.  Of course, we are also trying to get in a position to provide their food as well.

While we *are* anxious to do special projects for the children, what we are faced with is the reality that at this point their basic needs are not being met due to financial hardship.  We cannot even begin to focus on enlarging their future opportunities until the basic needs are met.  I find this both comforting and frustrating - but real and true - because this is the VERY situation that this organization is in.  We are walking side by side with the orphanages in Zim encountering the exact same struggles (financially - meeting basic needs).  I am more confident than ever that God is leading us and that our spirits are being touched with patience and knowledge.  Hope is heightened and faith is strong.  Nothing is possible apart from God.  With God, everything is possible.

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