Sunday, April 24, 2011


I wish every donor...past, present and future could have been here with me in Zim today. Every child from all of the orphanges met in one location for a farewell party for me and an Easter party for Jesus, (please know that He was the main attraction and not myself). The children presented poetry and songs of gratitude for all that Beautiful Feet Global Outreach has already done, and all that we are trying to do. They have prayed for massive movement in the hearts of the people coming alongside us to impact the lives of these orphans. I was so humbled today to hear them pray for the global orphanages who will meet Jesus through us someday....such glory in that prayer, and I pray it was answered at the beginning of time.

There is a recurring theme here that both blesses me and breaks my heart. From the staff to the smallest child, they keep saying that because of Beautiful Feet G.O., they now feel like somebody instead of feeling like nobody. They say this repeatedly. Oh how I proclaim that Christ has declared them somebody's, in His precious name. Their faith, were it a tower, would pierce through the Heavens and the angels would have to move over. Their hope, were it a rocket, would fly through unknown galaxies. Their gratitude, were it light, would blind the whole of the universe. I'm not just saying this to persuade you. I'm not just saying this to manipulate the strings of your heart and pull them with a fierce tug. I am saying this because these children are special. They are brilliant. They are exquisite. They are full of joy. They are sharp. They have the manners you dream of for your children (and me for mine). Their prayers are heard before they are uttered. These children are so precious, so dear, so loving. These children are His. He has heard their crys.
The children need school fees. The administration needs to be able to afford internet and they need fuel for the blessed blue truck on a monthly basis. They are very soon to be able to enjoy their harvest of maize and potatoes, however the need for dairy products and meat is ongoing.....they need food. I cannot stress how badly they need food. For the food, I ain't too proud to beg.

I have received some email notifications that a few donations have been made this past week and for that I am ever grateful. When you give as unto the Lord, He will reward you with joy, His supernatural peace, and Heavenly riches. I pray He multiples the love in your heart until your heart can hardly contain it all, as it must pour out onto every soul you meet.

As a very new organization we face many challenges. We are far from reaching the momentum that we need to accomplish this work of caring for these orphans year round in the way of school fees, food and other essentials.

Will you consider partnering with us? We humbly appreciate one time gifts as well as monthly recurring donations. Please help spread the word about us. We offer transparency and accountability on all levels. We thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Melissa - what a beautiful picture you paint - of these children. As you know - I will partner with you however I can whenever I can - and I will help you get the message out there so that others can have the opportunity to partner as well! Safe travels home! XOXo
