Sunday, September 29, 2013


We are Beautiful Feet Global Outreach, Inc.; a 501(c)3 Non-Profit. A faith-based organization committed to global orphan care. Our orphanage partnership located in Zimbabwe (Africa) involves 50+ children from age 3 - 19. International adoptions are not permitted for this country, therefore they will spend their entire childhood in an orphanage.

**To donate to the chicken project, follow this link and then choose "Zim Chicken Project".


Goal:  To increase the monthly cashflow for our Zimbabwe orphanage partner in an effort to help them better help themselves!

Currently our Zim orphanage is able to harvest approx 100 chickens every 6-7 weeks. This has been a successful project going into its 3rd year. They have the knowledge and the space to operate a 1,000 chicken project, but they lack the water capacity, equipment and start-up capital. 

To establish this expanded project by April 2014 AUGUST 2014:
BFGO seeks 120 people to invest $28.00 per month for 6 months (beginning in October or November).
This will accomplish raising the necessary capital of approximately $20,000.
The benefit to the orphanage is 2-fold.
   (1) more protein for the children
   (2) approx $1,000 - $3,000 monthly profit from the sale of marketable chickens. 

To JOIN NOW in this poultry gift endeavor please click on this link and complete the online donation process.  Make sure that you select MONTHLY verses a one-time gift. Please set a reminder for yourself at the end of April August 2014 if you'd like for your donations to cease, or if you'd like to change the fund and/or amount. Anything not cancelled or changed will automatically be changed for you to go to the "Greatest Need" fund.  (Thank you!)

***All donations are tax deductible. 

**Skip to the end of this post for photos. 

Would you like more detailed details? This section is for you. 

The overseer of this project is a Zimbabwean native and the founder of the orphanage organization. Her name is Fatima. She is an accountant with a Masters Degree and has worked for the United Nations as well as a lecturer at a Zimbabwe University. She is well respected in her country and has completed thorough research and evaluations for the Chicken Project startup. 

This project will have 3 phases. 

Phase I:  Borehole Drilling & Accessories (this means local & continuous access to clean water).
Borehole installation, electric generator, 2000 liter tank, metal stand and pressure tank estimated $9,150.00  (Drilling $6,500; Generator $1,500; 2000 Litre tank $500; Metal Stand $300; Pressure Tank $350)

Phase II:  Fowl Run & Equipment
Broiler fowl run & equipment estimated $3,112.40

Phase III:  Chicks, Feed & Vaccines
Initial Chicks Purchase $3,650; Vaccines $30

MISC:  $4,000 for unexpected costs; fuel, transportation, driver, consultants, & donation transaction fees.

Are you interested in the story?  This section is for you.

These photos are of our kiddos in the Zim orphanage partnership as well as the "space" for the future chicken project and the man who will direct the full scope of the project in an ongoing basis. He lives in the little green house with his wife and children. See photographic footage of the current chicken project (100 chicks per every 6-7 weeks). The older children participate in every aspect of the harvesting (slaughter, defeathering, cleaning and packaging). 

Our chicken man (love him).

The field for the future chicken project.

Thank you for spending time to learn about BFGO and our current fundraising project to further aid our precious kiddos in Zimbabwe. We also have a child sponsorship program and an ongoing "greatest need" fund. You may learn more about us at our official website. 

Questions may be directed to

Thank you and God bless you every day!